Oct 262012

Check out the latest Mechanized Stroller.

Robotic Stroller Conversion Kit Now Available for Purchase

Seattle, Washington – October 8, 2012 – For those of you who have the all-terrain strollers, now there is an easy way to turn your stroller into an autonomous robot. Purchase Xandon Frogget’s kit and within an estimated 20 minutes, you can convert your stroller into a robot that will drive autonomously. Or you can put it in ARAS mode and let the “autonomous robot assisted steering” drive itself around and avoid obstacles. This kit is intended for geek moms, dads or anyone looking for a solid platform for learning and discovering robotics.

There are three kit configurations for sale: Basic, Medium, and Complete Kit. The basic kit starts with all the hardware you need including either a Kinect or ASUS Xtion Pro but the buyer must provide the laptop/netbook and the stroller. The Medium is all the hardware including either a Kinect or ASUS Xtion Pro and a Netbook, but the purchaser provides the stroller. The complete kit includes all the hardware, the netbook, and the stroller. The kits are expected to retail for $2,500 – $3,500, depending on the configuration. (* See update at bottom)

The kit connects easily to most jogging strollers that are similar to the BOB Jogging Stroller and does not require any destructive modification. When you are done playing, you can return the stroller to its original configuration unharmed.

The wheelchair motors are rated for up to 300lbs, in case you need to use it as a porter to replace your Sherpa. And did we mention it is so quiet and that you can drive it around the house at night while everyone is sleeping?

In the demo video, Frogget is using a rooted NookColor to control the interface, showing off some of the unlimited possibilities. The sample code is written in Processing and can be modified easily so that any hackable device can steer it including a smart phone or Wii remote with Wii Wheel. Using software like Apple’s FaceTime or Google+ video chat, the robot can be teleoperated and provide a telepresence for grandparents everywhere, including the zoo.

The robotics stroller conversion kits will be built-to-order beginning mid October 2012. Please contact sales@daddiorobotics.com for purchases or inquiries.

Update August 3, 2013: We have suspended our current stroller conversion kit in order to focus on the new prototype. Apologies for all those who had been dreaming of getting a kit for fall 2013. Check back as we have exciting news coming.

 Posted by at 6:31 pm

  16 Responses to “Mechanized Stroller”

  1. This is awesome! I love the stroller!

  2. Great concept, adorable kids, nice music!

  3. Lovely! I want one. 😉

  4. […] for the baby to play with (like in the opening of The Simpsons). But what we hadn’t seen is a stroller that allows baby to actually steer. You might think that a putting a motorized vehicle in the hands of someone so young is an accident […]

  5. What happens when it comes to the edge of the curb, does it detect that and stop or will it drive off the edge and possibly tip over?

    • If kids are driving it then aside from the fact that they can hit stop at any time, a parent should not let them into an unsafe situation. When it is just the robot driving and is in autonomous mode, then it depends on what terrain you have it set for. If it is on a fairly flat consistent surface you can monitor the part of the point cloud from the kinect that you are expecting to be returned from the ground area in front of the robot. You can adjust thresholds there to exhibit specific behaviors depending on the terrain. ie No return signal in front of robot, then make STOP! behavior.
      If it is on rough terrain then it gets a little more complicated to keep it moving forward. You have to get a little more constructive with your code and figure out how to deal with those situations, that is the fun of building and programming robots. Some other issues present themselves when you solve one problem, if you monitor the point cloud and it disappears so you stop, how do you make the robot go over a hill. When he gets to the crest of the hill he see’s no ground and would benefit himself to stop and evaluate the situation, but then how do you overcome it? Lot’s of fun programming! 🙂

  6. […] can order the other components or an entire mechanized stroller from Frogget’s website. Expect to pay $2,500-$3,500 (USD). It’s expensive, but according to Frogget the wheelchair […]

  7. […] new creation from Xandon Frogget makes pushing a stroller a thing of the […]

  8. […] parent will tell you that a stroller can be a life-saver. If that’s the case, a motorized stroller is a dream come […]

  9. […] language called Processing. So if you’ve got the coding chops, you can order one of the $US2500 kits yourself (when available) and control it using your smartphone instead of the Wiimote. […]

  10. […] 來源: http://daddiorobotics.com/mechanizedstroller/ […]

  11. […] it with those autonomous robots that can walk on themselves. Among such robotic strollers is Xandon Frogget’s […]

  12. […] Enter the Toddler-Driven Motorized Stroller. […]

  13. So when can I expect one for they heavy duty strollers I push for childcare with 8 children:) Please!

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